
It’s that time of year.  Your first football game is behind you.  Your first contest is around the corner.  You can perform a good two thirds of your show without anyone running into each other.  Things are on track!

There’s just one problem.  Now things have to actually get better.  They have to look better, and they have to sound better, in a hurry!  It’s not just ok anymore to recognize the song… the song has to sound good!

So, what do you do?

I spent some time with Marching Roundtable host Tim Hinton talking about these very issues!  They are experiences I had year after year after year as a band director.  Now, as a full time composer, arranger, and educational consultant, I have the privilege of helping band directors everywhere discover some of the simple techniques and philosophies that will help you start to tackle this very issue.

And it’s really not complicated!

Take a listen to Tim and I’s conversation below!  I promise you’ll take away with several ideas you can implement in rehearsal, today!

Big thanks to Tim Hinton for the opportunity to join him, and for all he does to advance education in the marching arts!  You can find this podcast, and more wonderful tools to help you and your students succeed at MarchingArtsEducation.com!

Looking for help with YOUR band, right now?

Get in touch with me TODAY, and find out how I can help YOU find the success you’ve been looking for!

Let's talk!

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